class EE::Graphics::Text¶
#include <text.hpp> class Text { public: // enums enum DrawHints; enum Style; // structs struct VertexCoords; // fields static bool TextShaperEnabled; // construction Text(); Text(const String& string, Font* font, unsigned int characterSize = PixelDensity::dpToPx(12)); Text(Font* font, unsigned int characterSize = PixelDensity::dpToPx(12)); // methods static std::string styleFlagToString(const Uint32& flags); static Uint32 stringToStyleFlag(const std::string& str); static Float getTextWidth( Font* font, const Uint32& fontSize, const String& string, const Uint32& style, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, const Float& outlineThickness = 0.f, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0 ); static Float getTextWidth( Font* font, const Uint32& fontSize, const String::View& string, const Uint32& style, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, const Float& outlineThickness = 0.f, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0 ); static Float getTextWidth(const String& string, const FontStyleConfig& config, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0); static Float getTextWidth(const String::View& string, const FontStyleConfig& config, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0); static Sizef draw( const String& string, const Vector2f& pos, Font* font, Float fontSize, const Color& fontColor, Uint32 style = 0, Float outlineThickness = 0.f, const Color& outlineColor = Color::Black, const Color& shadowColor = Color::Black, const Vector2f& shadowOffset = { 1, 1 }, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0, const WhitespaceDisplayConfig& whitespaceDisplayConfig = {} ); static Sizef draw(const String& string, const Vector2f& pos, const FontStyleConfig& config, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0, const WhitespaceDisplayConfig& whitespaceDisplayConfig = {}); static Sizef draw( const String::View& string, const Vector2f& pos, Font* font, Float fontSize, const Color& fontColor, Uint32 style = 0, Float outlineThickness = 0.f, const Color& outlineColor = Color::Black, const Color& shadowColor = Color::Black, const Vector2f& shadowOffset = { 1, 1 }, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0, const WhitespaceDisplayConfig& whitespaceDisplayConfig = {} ); static Sizef draw(const String::View& string, const Vector2f& pos, const FontStyleConfig& config, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, Uint32 textDrawHints = 0, const WhitespaceDisplayConfig& whitespaceDisplayConfig = {}); static void drawUnderline( const Vector2f& pos, Float width, Font* font, Float fontSize, const Color& fontColor, const Uint32& style, Float outlineThickness, const Color& outlineColor, const Color& shadowColor, const Vector2f& shadowOffset ); static void drawStrikeThrough( const Vector2f& pos, Float width, Font* font, Float fontSize, const Color& fontColor, const Uint32& style, Float outlineThickness, const Color& outlineColor, const Color& shadowColor, const Vector2f& shadowOffset ); static Int32 findCharacterFromPos( const Vector2i& pos, bool returnNearest, Font* font, const Uint32& fontSize, const String& string, const Uint32& style, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, const Float& outlineThickness = 0.f ); static Vector2f findCharacterPos( std::size_t index, Font* font, const Uint32& fontSize, const String& string, const Uint32& style, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, const Float& outlineThickness = 0.f, bool allowNewLine = true ); static std::size_t findLastCharPosWithinLength( Font* font, const Uint32& fontSize, const String& string, Float maxWidth, const Uint32& style, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, const Float& outlineThickness = 0.f ); static std::size_t findLastCharPosWithinLength( Font* font, const Uint32& fontSize, const String::View& string, Float maxWidth, const Uint32& style, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, const Float& outlineThickness = 0.f ); static std::size_t findLastCharPosWithinLength(const String& string, Float maxWidth, const FontStyleConfig& config, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4); static std::size_t findLastCharPosWithinLength(const String::View& string, Float maxWidth, const FontStyleConfig& config, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4); static bool wrapText( Font* font, const Uint32& fontSize, String& string, const Float& maxWidth, const Uint32& style, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4, const Float& outlineThickness = 0.f ); static bool wrapText(String& string, const Float& maxWidth, const FontStyleConfig& config, const Uint32& tabWidth = 4); static Text* New(); static Text* New(const String& string, Font* font, unsigned int characterSize = PixelDensity::dpToPx(12)); static Text* New(Font* font, unsigned int characterSize = PixelDensity::dpToPx(12)); void create(Graphics::Font* font, const String& text = "", Color FontColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Color FontShadowColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), Uint32 characterSize = PixelDensity::dpToPx(12)); bool setString(const String::View& string); bool setString(const String& string); bool setString(String&& string); void setFont(Font* font); void setFontSize(unsigned int size); void setStyle(Uint32 style); void setColor(const Color& color); void setFillColor(const Color& color); void setFillColor(const Color& color, Uint32 from, Uint32 to); void setOutlineColor(const Color& color); void setOutlineThickness(Float thickness); void transformText(const TextTransform::Value& transform); String& getString(); Font* getFont() const; unsigned int getCharacterSize() const; Uint32 getStyle() const; void setAlpha(const Uint8& alpha); const Color& getFillColor() const; const Color& getColor() const; const Color& getOutlineColor() const; Float getOutlineThickness() const; Vector2f findCharacterPos(std::size_t index) const; Rectf getLocalBounds(); Float getTextWidth(); Float getTextHeight(); Float getLineSpacing(); void draw( const Float& X, const Float& Y, const Vector2f& scale = Vector2f::One, const Float& rotation = 0, BlendMode effect = BlendMode::Alpha(), const OriginPoint& rotationCenter = OriginPoint::OriginCenter, const OriginPoint& scaleCenter = OriginPoint::OriginCenter ); const Color& getShadowColor() const; void setShadowColor(const Color& color); const std::vector<Float>& getLinesWidth(); void setAlign(const Uint32& align); const Uint32& getAlign() const; Uint32 getNumLines(); void setStyleConfig(const FontStyleConfig& styleConfig); Int32 findCharacterFromPos(const Vector2i& pos, bool returnNearest = true) const; void findWordFromCharacterIndex(Int32 characterIndex, Int32& initCur, Int32& endCur) const; void wrapText(const Uint32& maxWidth); void invalidateColors(); void invalidate(); void setTabWidth(const Uint32& tabWidth); const Uint32& getTabWidth() const; Color getBackgroundColor() const; void setBackgroundColor(const Color& backgroundColor); bool getDisableCacheWidth() const; void setDisableCacheWidth(bool newDisableCacheWidth); const Vector2f& getShadowOffset() const; void setShadowOffset(const Vector2f& shadowOffset); bool hasSameFontStyleConfig(const FontStyleConfig& styleConfig); };
Detailed Documentation¶
void create(Graphics::Font* font, const String& text = "", Color FontColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), Color FontShadowColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), Uint32 characterSize = PixelDensity::dpToPx(12))
Create a text from a font
void setAlpha(const Uint8& alpha)
See also:
Set the alpha of each individual character. This doesn’t break any custom color per-character setted.
Rectf getLocalBounds()
The current text local bounds.
Float getTextWidth()
The cached text width
Float getTextHeight()
The cached text height
Float getLineSpacing()
The line espacing
void draw( const Float& X, const Float& Y, const Vector2f& scale = Vector2f::One, const Float& rotation = 0, BlendMode effect = BlendMode::Alpha(), const OriginPoint& rotationCenter = OriginPoint::OriginCenter, const OriginPoint& scaleCenter = OriginPoint::OriginCenter )
Draw the cached text on screen
const Color& getShadowColor() const
The Shadow Font Color
void setShadowColor(const Color& color)
Set the shadow color of the string rendered
const std::vector<Float>& getLinesWidth()
Every cached text line width
void setAlign(const Uint32& align)
Set the text draw align
const Uint32& getAlign() const
The text align
Uint32 getNumLines()
The number of lines that the cached text contains
Int32 findCharacterFromPos(const Vector2i& pos, bool returnNearest = true) const
Finds the closest cursor position to the point position
void findWordFromCharacterIndex(Int32 characterIndex, Int32& initCur, Int32& endCur) const
Simulates a selection request and return the initial and end cursor position when the selection worked. Otherwise both parameters will be -1.
void wrapText(const Uint32& maxWidth)
Shrink the String to a max width
MaxWidth |
The maximum possible width |
void invalidateColors()
Invalidates the color cache
void invalidate()
Invalidates the text cache
void setTabWidth(const Uint32& tabWidth)
Sets the tab character width.
const Uint32& getTabWidth() const
The tab character width
Color getBackgroundColor() const
The text background color
void setBackgroundColor(const Color& backgroundColor)
Sets text background color.
bool getDisableCacheWidth() const
True if the text width cache is disabled.
void setDisableCacheWidth(bool newDisableCacheWidth)
The text width is cached every time the geometry of the text is updated. It’s possible to disable this to improve performance in very specific scenarios.