class EE::Graphics::ClippingMask


#include <clippingmask.hpp>

class ClippingMask {
    // enums

    enum Mode;

    // methods

    void clipEnable(const Int32& x, const Int32& y, const Int32& Width, const Int32& Height);
    void clipDisable();
    void clipPlaneEnable(const Int32& x, const Int32& y, const Int32& Width, const Int32& Height);
    void clipPlaneDisable();
    std::size_t getMaskCount() const;
    const Drawable*& operator[](std::size_t index);
    const Drawable*const& operator[](std::size_t index) const;
    void clearMasks();
    void appendMask(const Drawable& drawable);
    void removeMask(const Drawable& drawable);
    Mode getMaskMode() const;
    void setMaskMode(Mode theMode);
    void stencilMaskEnable();
    void stencilMaskDisable(bool clearMasks = false);
    const std::vector<Rectf>& getScissorsClipped() const;
    void setScissorsClipped(const std::vector<Rectf>& scissorsClipped);
    const std::vector<Rectf>& getPlanesClipped() const;
    void setPlanesClipped(const std::vector<Rectf>& planesClipped);

Detailed Documentation


void clipEnable(const Int32& x, const Int32& y, const Int32& Width, const Int32& Height)

Set the current Clipping area ( default the entire window, SCISSOR TEST ).

void clipDisable()

Disable the Clipping area

void clipPlaneEnable(const Int32& x, const Int32& y, const Int32& Width, const Int32& Height)

Clip the area with a plane.

void clipPlaneDisable()

Disable the clip plane area.