class EE::Scene::Node


#include <node.hpp>

class Node: public EE::Math::Transformable {
    // typedefs

    typedef std::function<void(const Event*)> EventCallback;

    // construction

    virtual ~Node();

    // methods

    static Node* New();
    virtual void worldToNodeTranslation(Vector2f& position) const;
    virtual void nodeToWorldTranslation(Vector2f& position) const;
    virtual void worldToNode(Vector2i& pos) const;
    virtual void nodeToWorld(Vector2i& pos) const;
    virtual void worldToNode(Vector2f& pos) const;
    virtual void nodeToWorld(Vector2f& pos) const;
    virtual Uint32 getType() const;
    virtual bool isType(const Uint32& type) const;
    void messagePost(const NodeMessage* Msg);
    virtual void setPosition(const Vector2f& Pos);
    virtual Node* setPosition(const Float& x, const Float& y);
    virtual Node* setSize(const Sizef& size);
    Node* setSize(const Float& Width, const Float& Height);
    virtual const Sizef& getSize() const;
    const Sizef& getPixelsSize() const;
    Node* setVisible(const bool& visible, bool emitEventNotification = true);
    Node* setChildsVisibility(bool visible, bool emitEventNotification = true);
    bool isVisible() const;
    bool isHided() const;
    Node* setEnabled(const bool& enabled);
    bool isEnabled() const;
    bool isDisabled() const;
    Node* getParent() const;
    Node* setParent(Node* parent);
    virtual void close();
    virtual void draw();
    virtual void update(const Time& time);
    virtual void scheduledUpdate(const Time& time);
    Node* getNextNode() const;
    Node* getPrevNode() const;
    Node* getNextNodeLoop() const;
    Node* setData(const UintPtr& data);
    const UintPtr& getData() const;
    Node* setBlendMode(const BlendMode& blend);
    const BlendMode& getBlendMode() const;
    Node* toFront();
    Node* toBack();
    void toPosition(const Uint32& position);
    const Uint32& getNodeFlags() const;
    void setNodeFlags(const Uint32& flags);
    bool isSceneNode() const;
    bool isUISceneNode() const;
    bool isUINode() const;
    bool isWidget() const;
    bool isWindow() const;
    bool isLayout() const;
    bool isClipped() const;
    bool isRotated() const;
    bool isScaled() const;
    bool isFrameBuffer() const;
    bool isMouseOver() const;
    bool isMouseOverMeOrChilds() const;
    bool isMeOrParentTreeVisible() const;
    bool isMeOrParentTreeRotated() const;
    bool isMeOrParentTreeScaled() const;
    bool isMeOrParentTreeScaledOrRotated() const;
    bool isMeOrParentTreeScaledOrRotatedOrFrameBuffer() const;
    Uint32 addEventListener(const Uint32& eventType, const EventCallback& callback);
    Uint32 on(const Uint32& eventType, const EventCallback& callback);
    Uint32 onClick(const std::function<void(const MouseEvent*)>& callback, const MouseButton& button = MouseButton::EE_BUTTON_LEFT);
    Uint32 onDoubleClick(const std::function<void(const MouseEvent*)>& callback, const MouseButton& button = MouseButton::EE_BUTTON_LEFT);
    void removeEventsOfType(const Uint32& eventType);
    void removeEventListener(const Uint32& callbackId);
    void removeEventListener(const std::vector<Uint32>& callbacksIds);
    void clearEventListener();
    Node* getFirstChild() const;
    Node* getLastChild() const;
    const Polygon2f& getWorldPolygon();
    const Rectf& getWorldBounds();
    bool isParentOf(const Node* node) const;
    void sendEvent(const Event* Event);
    void sendMouseEvent(const Uint32& Event, const Vector2i& position, const Uint32& flags);
    void sendCommonEvent(const Uint32& Event);
    void sendTextEvent(const Uint32& event, const std::string& text);
    void childsCloseAll();
    const std::string& getId() const;
    virtual Node* setId(const std::string& id);
    const String::HashType& getIdHash() const;
    Node* find(const std::string& id) const;
    Node* hasChild(const std::string& id) const;

    template <typename T>
    T* find(const std::string& id) const;

    template <typename T>
    T* bind(const std::string& id, T*& node);

    template <typename T>
    T* asType();

    template <typename T>
    const T* asConstType() const;

    Node* findByType(const Uint32& type) const;

    template <typename T>
    T* findByType(const Uint32& type) const;

    template <typename T>
    T* bindByType(const Uint32& type, T*& node);

    std::vector<Node*> findAllByType(const Uint32& type) const;

    template <typename T>
    std::vector<T*> findAllByType(const Uint32& type) const;

    bool inNodeTree(Node* node) const;
    bool isReverseDraw() const;
    void setReverseDraw(bool reverseDraw);
    void invalidateDraw();
    virtual void setRotation(float angle);
    void setRotation(const Float& angle, const OriginPoint& center);
    const OriginPoint& getRotationOriginPoint() const;
    void setRotationOriginPoint(const OriginPoint& center);
    void setRotationOriginPointX(const std::string& xEq);
    void setRotationOriginPointY(const std::string& yEq);
    Vector2f getRotationCenter() const;
    virtual void setScale(const Vector2f& scale);
    void setScale(const Vector2f& scale, const OriginPoint& center);
    void setScale(const Float& scale, const OriginPoint& center = OriginPoint::OriginCenter);
    const OriginPoint& getScaleOriginPoint() const;
    void setScaleOriginPoint(const OriginPoint& center);
    void setScaleOriginPointX(const std::string& xEq);
    void setScaleOriginPointY(const std::string& yEq);
    Vector2f getScaleCenter() const;
    virtual void setScale(float factorX, float factorY);
    virtual void setScaleOrigin(float x, float y);
    virtual void setRotationOrigin(float x, float y);
    const Float& getAlpha() const;
    virtual void setAlpha(const Float& alpha);
    virtual void setChildsAlpha(const Float& alpha);
    ActionManager* getActionManager() const;
    Node* runAction(Action* action);
    bool removeAction(Action* action);
    bool removeActions(const std::vector<Action*>& actions);
    bool removeActionsByTag(const String::HashType& tag);
    std::vector<Action*> getActions();
    std::vector<Action*> getActionsByTag(const Uint32& tag);
    void clearActions();
    Transform getLocalTransform() const;
    Transform getGlobalTransform() const;
    Transform getNodeToWorldTransform() const;
    Transform getWorldToNodeTransform() const;
    Vector2f convertToNodeSpace(const Vector2f& worldPoint) const;
    Vector2f convertToWorldSpace(const Vector2f& nodePoint) const;
    Rectf getLocalBounds() const;
    bool hasFocus() const;
    bool hasFocusWithin() const;
    virtual Node* setFocus(NodeFocusReason reason = NodeFocusReason::Unknown);
    Node* getFirstWidget() const;
    Node* getParentWidget() const;
    void enableReportSizeChangeToChilds();
    void disableReportSizeChangeToChilds();
    bool reportSizeChangeToChilds() const;
    Node* centerHorizontal();
    Node* centerVertical();
    Node* center();
    Node* clipEnable();
    Node* clipDisable();
    void writeNodeFlag(const Uint32& Flag, const Uint32& Val);
    SceneNode* getSceneNode() const;
    EventDispatcher* getEventDispatcher() const;
    virtual bool isDrawInvalidator() const;
    bool invalidated() const;
    virtual void invalidate(Node* invalidator);
    Uint32 getChildCount() const;
    Uint32 getChildOfTypeCount(const Uint32& type) const;
    Node* getChildAt(Uint32 Index) const;
    Uint32 getNodeIndex() const;
    Uint32 getNodeOfTypeIndex() const;
    void runOnMainThread(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& delay = Seconds(0), const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0);
    bool ensureMainThread(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0);
    void setTimeout(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& delay = Seconds(0), const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0);
    void setInterval(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& interval, const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0);
    void debounce(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& delay, const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier);
    bool isChild(Node* child) const;
    bool inParentTreeOf(Node* child) const;
    void setLoadingState(bool loading);
    bool isLoadingState() const;
    virtual void onIdChange();
    bool isClosing() const;
    bool isClosingChildren() const;
    virtual Node* overFind(const Vector2f& Point);
    void detach();
    void forEachNode(std::function<void(Node*)> func);
    void forEachChild(std::function<void(Node*)> func);
    virtual void nodeDraw();
    Uint32 forceKeyDown(const KeyEvent& event);
    Uint32 foceKeyUp(const KeyEvent& event);
    Uint32 forceTextInput(const TextInputEvent& Event);
    const Vector2f& getScreenPos() const;
    Rectf getScreenRect() const;
    bool hasEventsOfType(const Uint32& eventType) const;

Inherited Members

    // methods

    virtual void setPosition(const Vector2f& position);
    virtual void setRotation(float angle);
    virtual void setScale(float factorX, float factorY);
    virtual void setScale(const Vector2f& factors);
    virtual void setScaleOrigin(float x, float y);
    virtual void setScaleOrigin(const Vector2f& origin);
    virtual void setRotationOrigin(float x, float y);
    virtual void setRotationOrigin(const Vector2f& origin);
    virtual const Vector2f& getRotationOrigin() const;
    virtual const Vector2f& getPosition() const;
    virtual const float& getRotation() const;
    virtual const Vector2f& getScale() const;
    virtual const Vector2f& getScaleOrigin() const;
    void move(float offsetX, float offsetY);
    void move(const Vector2f& offset);
    void rotate(float angle);
    void scale(float factorX, float factorY);
    void scale(const Vector2f& factor);
    const Transform& getTransform() const;
    const Transform& getInverseTransform() const;

Detailed Documentation


void setNodeFlags(const Uint32& flags)

Use it at your own risk

void runOnMainThread(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& delay = Seconds(0), const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0)

Enqueues the runnable to be executed on the main thread (during the scene node update). It will always be equeued to the main thread execution queue (a.k.a. actions).

bool ensureMainThread(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0)

Does the same as runOnMainThread if called from a none main thread, otherwise it will be executed inmediatelly.


True if runnable was inmediatelly executed.

void setTimeout(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& delay = Seconds(0), const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0)

Enqueues the runnable to be run after delay time.

void setInterval(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& interval, const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier = 0)

Repeatedly calls executes the runnable, with a fixed time delay between each call.

void debounce(Actions::Runnable::RunnableFunc runnable, const Time& delay, const Action::UniqueID& uniqueIdentifier)

Enqueues a runnable to be executed in delay time with a unique identifier, if a new runnable is provided before the delay passed, previous enqueue runnable will be removed and the new one will be enqueued, if no other runnable with the same identifier is enqueued until delay passed, the last runnable will be executed.

void detach()

This removes the node from its parent. Never use this unless you know what you are doing.