class EE::Scene::KeyEvent


#include <keyevent.hpp>

class KeyEvent: public EE::Scene::Event {
    // construction

    KeyEvent(Node* node, const Uint32& eventNum, const Keycode& keyCode, const Scancode& scancode, const Uint32& chr, const Uint32& mod);
    KeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event);

    // methods

    const Keycode& getKeyCode() const;
    const Scancode& getScancode() const;
    const String::StringBaseType& getChar() const;
    const Uint32& getMod() const;
    Uint32 getSanitizedMod() const;

Inherited Members

    // enums

    enum EventType;

    // methods

    Node* getNode() const;
    const Uint32& getType() const;
    const Uint32& getCallbackId() const;
    const MouseEvent* asMouseEvent() const;
    const KeyEvent* asKeyEvent() const;
    const DropEvent* asDropEvent() const;
    const TextEvent* asTextEvent() const;
    const TextInputEvent* asTextInputEvent() const;
    const WindowEvent* asWindowEvent() const;
    const ItemValueEvent* asItemValueEvent() const;
    const RowCreatedEvent* asRowCreatedEvent() const;
    const FocusEvent* asFocusEvent() const;

Detailed Documentation


Uint32 getSanitizedMod() const

The modifier key mask only for CTRL ALT SHIFT and META (no caps, num, etc)