class EE::Scene::Actions::Enable


#include <enable.hpp>

class Enable: public EE::Scene::Actions::Delay {
    // methods

    static Enable* New(const Time& time = Seconds(0));
    static Enable* New(bool enable, const Time& time = Seconds(0));
    virtual void update(const Time& time);
    virtual Action* clone() const;
    virtual Action* reverse() const;

Inherited Members

    // typedefs

    typedef std::function<void(Action*, const ActionType&)> ActionCallback;
    typedef Uint64 UniqueID;

    // enums

    enum ActionType;

    // methods

    virtual void start() = 0;
    virtual void stop() = 0;
    virtual void update(const Time& time) = 0;
    virtual bool isDone() = 0;
    virtual Float getCurrentProgress() = 0;
    virtual Time getTotalTime() = 0;
    virtual Action* clone() const;
    virtual Action* reverse() const;
    Uint32 getFlags() const;
    void setFlags(const Uint32& flags);
    UniqueID getTag() const;
    void setTag(const UniqueID& tag);
    Node* getTarget() const;
    Uint32 addEventListener(const ActionType& actionType, const ActionCallback& callback);
    Action* on(const ActionType& actionType, const ActionCallback& callback);
    void removeEventListener(const Uint32& callbackId);
    void sendEvent(const ActionType& actionType);
    void setTarget(Node* target);
    void setId(const Action::UniqueID& id);
    const Action::UniqueID& getId();
    static Delay* New(const Time& time);
    virtual void start();
    virtual void stop();
    virtual void update(const Time& time);
    virtual bool isDone();
    virtual Float getCurrentProgress();
    virtual Time getTotalTime();
    virtual Action* clone() const;
    virtual Action* reverse() const;
    void restart();

Detailed Documentation


virtual void update(const Time& time)

Update the action state (shouldn’t be called manually unless you actually now what you are doing)

virtual Action* clone() const

Clones the action.

virtual Action* reverse() const

Clones and reverse the action sequence. Note: not all actions can be reversed.