struct EE::Window::InputEvent::FingerEvent


Touch finger motion/finger event structure More…

#include <inputevent.hpp>

struct FingerEvent {
    // fields

    Uint32 timestamp;
    Int64 touchId;
    Int64 fingerId;
    float x;
    float y;
    float dx;
    float dy;
    float pressure;

Detailed Documentation

Touch finger motion/finger event structure


Int64 fingerId

The touch device id

float x

The finger id

float y

The x coordinate of the touch. Normalized in the range 0…1

float dx

The y coordinate of the touch. Normalized in the range 0…1

float dy

Change in x coordinate during this motion event. Normalized in the range 0…1

float pressure

Change in y coordinate during this motion event. Normalized in the range 0…1