class EE::System::IniFile


#include <inifile.hpp>

class IniFile {
    // enums

    enum errors;

    // structs

    struct key;

    // construction

    IniFile(const std::string& iniPath = "", bool autoLoad = true);
    IniFile(const Uint8* RAWData, const Uint32& size, bool autoLoad = true);
    IniFile(Pack* Pack, const std::string& iniPackPath, bool autoLoad = true);
    IniFile(IOStream& stream, bool autoLoad = true);
    virtual ~IniFile();

    // methods

    bool loadFromFile(const std::string& iniPath);
    bool loadFromMemory(const Uint8* RAWData, const Uint32& size);
    bool loadFromPack(Pack* Pack, const std::string& iniPackPath);
    bool loadFromStream(IOStream& stream);
    void path(const std::string& newPath);
    const std::string& path() const;
    bool readFile();
    bool writeFile();
    bool writeStream(IOStream& stream);
    void clear();
    long findKey(const std::string& keyname) const;
    long findKey(const std::string_view& keyname) const;
    long findValue(unsigned const keyID, const std::string& valuename) const;
    long findValue(unsigned const keyID, const std::string_view& valuename) const;
    unsigned getNumKeys() const;
    unsigned addKeyName(const std::string& keyname);
    unsigned addKeyName(const std::string_view& keyname);
    std::string getKeyName(unsigned const keyID) const;
    unsigned getNumValues(unsigned const keyID);
    unsigned getNumValues(const std::string& keyname);
    std::string getValueName(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID) const;
    std::string getValueName(const std::string& keyname, unsigned const valueID) const;
    std::string getValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const std::string& defValue = "") const;
    std::string getValue(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, const std::string& defValue = "") const;
    int getValueI(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, int const defValue = 0) const;
    unsigned long getValueU(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, unsigned long const defValue = 0) const;
    bool getValueB(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, bool const defValue = false) const;
    double getValueF(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, double const defValue = 0.0) const;
    bool setValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const std::string& value);
    bool setValue(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, const std::string& value, bool create = true);
    bool setValue(const std::string_view& keyname, const std::string_view& valuename, const std::string_view& value, bool create = true);
    bool setValueI(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, int const value, bool create = true);
    bool setValueU(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, unsigned long const value, bool create = true);
    bool setValueB(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, bool const value, bool create = true);
    bool setValueF(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, double const value, bool create = true);
    bool setValueV(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, char* format, ...);
    bool deleteValue(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename);
    bool deleteKey(const std::string& keyname);
    unsigned numHeaderComments();
    void addHeaderComment(const std::string& comment);
    std::string getHeaderComment(unsigned const commentID) const;
    bool deleteHeaderComment(unsigned commentID);
    void deleteHeaderComments();
    std::map<std::string, std::string> getKeyMap(const unsigned& keyID) const;
    std::map<std::string, std::string> getKeyMap(const std::string& keyname) const;
    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> getKeyUnorderedMap(const unsigned& keyID) const;
    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> getKeyUnorderedMap(const std::string& keyname) const;
    unsigned getNumKeyComments(unsigned const keyID) const;
    unsigned getNumKeyComments(const std::string& keyname) const;
    bool addKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, const std::string& comment);
    bool addKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, const std::string_view& comment);
    bool addKeyComment(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& comment);
    bool addKeyComment(const std::string_view& keyname, const std::string_view& comment);
    std::string getKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID) const;
    std::string getKeyComment(const std::string& keyname, unsigned const commentID) const;
    bool deleteKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID);
    bool deleteKeyComment(const std::string& keyname, unsigned const commentID);
    bool deleteKeyComments(unsigned const keyID);
    bool deleteKeyComments(const std::string& keyname);
    bool iniParsed();
    bool keyExists(const std::string& keyname) const;
    bool keyValueExists(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename) const;

Detailed Documentation


IniFile(const std::string& iniPath = "", bool autoLoad = true)

Initialize and load the ini file from path

IniFile(const Uint8* RAWData, const Uint32& size, bool autoLoad = true)

Initialize and load the ini file from memory

IniFile(Pack* Pack, const std::string& iniPackPath, bool autoLoad = true)

Initialize and load the ini file from a pack file

IniFile(IOStream& stream, bool autoLoad = true)

Initialize and load the ini file from a stream


bool loadFromFile(const std::string& iniPath)

Loads an ini file from path

bool loadFromMemory(const Uint8* RAWData, const Uint32& size)

Loads an ini file from memory

bool loadFromPack(Pack* Pack, const std::string& iniPackPath)

Loads an ini file from a pack file

bool loadFromStream(IOStream& stream)

Loads an ini file from a stream

void path(const std::string& newPath)

Sets mPath of ini file to read and write from.

const std::string& path() const


The ini file path

bool readFile()

Reads ini file specified using mPath.


true if successful, false otherwise.

bool writeFile()

Writes data stored in class to ini file.

bool writeStream(IOStream& stream)

Writes data stored in class to a IOStream.

void clear()

Deletes all stored ini data.

long findKey(const std::string& keyname) const


index of specified key, or noID if not found.

long findValue(unsigned const keyID, const std::string& valuename) const


index of specified value, in the specified key, or noID if not found.

unsigned getNumKeys() const


number of Keys currently in the ini.

unsigned addKeyName(const std::string& keyname)

Add a key name.

std::string getKeyName(unsigned const keyID) const


key Names by index.

unsigned getNumValues(unsigned const keyID)


number of values stored for specified key.

unsigned getNumValues(const std::string& keyname)


number of values stored for specified key from its name.

std::string getValueName(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID) const


value name by index for a given keyname or keyID.

std::string getValueName(const std::string& keyname, unsigned const valueID) const


A value name from keyname and valueId

std::string getValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const std::string& defValue = "") const

Gets value of [keyname] valuename =. Overloaded to return std::string, int, and double.


defValue if key/value not found otherwise the value obtained.

std::string getValue(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, const std::string& defValue = "") const

Gets a value from a keyname and valuename

int getValueI(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, int const defValue = 0) const

Gets the value as integer

unsigned long getValueU(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, unsigned long const defValue = 0) const

Gets the value as an unsigned long

bool getValueB(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, bool const defValue = false) const

Gets the value as boolean

double getValueF(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, double const defValue = 0.0) const

Gets the value as double

bool setValue(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const valueID, const std::string& value)

Sets value of [keyname] valuename =. Specify the optional paramter as false (0) if you do not want it to create the key if it doesn’t exist.


true if data entered, false otherwise. Overloaded to accept std::string, int, and double.

bool setValue(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, const std::string& value, bool create = true)

Sets the value from a keyname and a valuename



The key name


The value name


The value to assign


If true it will create the keyname if doesn’t exists

bool setValueI(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, int const value, bool create = true)

Sets a integer value from a keyname and a valuename



The key name


The value name


The value to assign


If true it will create the keyname if doesn’t exists

bool setValueU(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, unsigned long const value, bool create = true)

Sets a unsigned long value from a keyname and a valuename



The key name


The value name


The value to assign


If true it will create the keyname if doesn’t exists

bool setValueB(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, bool const value, bool create = true)

Sets a boolean value from a keyname and a valuename



The key name


The value name


The value to assign


If true it will create the keyname if doesn’t exists

bool setValueF(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, double const value, bool create = true)

Sets a double value from a keyname and a valuename



The key name


The value name


The value to assign


If true it will create the keyname if doesn’t exists

bool setValueV(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename, char* format, ...)

Sets a formated value from a keyname and a valuename

bool deleteValue(const std::string& keyname, const std::string& valuename)

Deletes specified value.


true if value existed and deleted, false otherwise.

bool deleteKey(const std::string& keyname)

Deletes specified key and all values contained within.


true if key existed and deleted, false otherwise.

unsigned numHeaderComments()

Header comment functions. Header comments are those comments before the first key. Number of header comments.

void addHeaderComment(const std::string& comment)

Add a header comment.

std::string getHeaderComment(unsigned const commentID) const

Return a header comment.

bool deleteHeaderComment(unsigned commentID)

Delete a header comment.

void deleteHeaderComments()

Delete all header comments.

unsigned getNumKeyComments(unsigned const keyID) const

Key comment functions. Key comments are those comments within a key. Any comments defined within value Names will be added to this list. Therefore, these comments will be moved to the top of the key definition when the IniFile::writeFile() is called. Number of key comments.

bool addKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, const std::string& comment)

Add a key comment.

std::string getKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID) const

Return a key comment.

bool deleteKeyComment(unsigned const keyID, unsigned const commentID)

Delete a key comment.

bool deleteKeyComments(unsigned const keyID)

Delete all comments for a key.